What is an Ice Cream Social?

Dulce Panda will host Ice Cream Socials as a fundraising event for organizations within the community.  During those fundraising events, we will make a donation to the organization for every qualifying item sold!  The more the organization shares the info about their Ice Cream Social fundraiser, the more successful it will be!

How does an organization schedule an Ice Cream Social?

  1. Complete and submit the Ice Cream Social Request Form below.

  2. Dulce Panda will review the Request Form to determine if the organization qualifies for an Ice Cream Social and confirm the requested date(s) are available. 

  3. We will call or email the contact listed on the Request Form to discuss and schedule the Ice Cream Social.

  4. The organization will be required to provide a completed IRS Form W-9.


  • Dulce Panda partners with a wide range of community organizations such as:

    • Schools

    • School Parent Teacher Associations/Organization

    • Churches and other faith-based organizations

    • Animal shelters and welfare organizations

    • Youth sports leagues

    • Youth development organizations such as 4-H, FFA, Scout groups, etc.

    • Food banks and other charitable organizations supporting the people of our community

    • Health improvement organizations such as American Heart Association, American Cancer Society, etc.

    Note: We do not offer Ice Cream Socials for political groups/activities or for "for profit"  organizations.

  • Dulce Panda will donate $0.50 for every qualifying item sold during the Fundraising Event.  We will calculate all qualifying items sold at the end of the event and issue a check for the donation total to the organization.  Qualifying items are simply full priced shaved ice items (no coupons/discounts) and the customer must mention the Ice Cream Social when ordering.

  • Ice Cream Socials are offered every Wednesday, as available.  The Fundraising Event will last the full day during our regular business hours.  Ice Cream Socials will be booked and confirmed on a first-come-first-served basis.  Ice Cream Socials will not be available in the months of June, July, or August. 

  • We will not limit how many Ice Cream Socials an organization may participate in throughout the year, however, we will only schedule/book one Ice Cream Social per month per organization to allow a variety of organizations to participate each month. 

  • Dulce Panda will provide the organization with a promotional flyer for print and digital distribution.  The organization will be responsible for promoting their Fundraising Event.  They may do so via email, social media, posted flyers, distributed flyers, etc.  Dulce Panda may also provide, upon request, additional graphics for use by the organization for promotional purposes.

Fill out the form and we’ll be in touch!